Making life better for everyone,
every day... by making money
go further

Making life better for everyone, every day... by making money go further
Our Vision
We have lived our mantra – people, action, resources – steadfastly every day since taking our first breath in January 2008. We have the wisdom and experience built up over 35 years to make things happen through your people, whether it’s for your corporate benefit or individual advancement.
Our aim is to help everyone – which includes you! – win the life-long health, wealth and security challenge for themselves. It’s no easy task but we know the hurdles and pitfalls, as well as the routes. It’s also increasingly vital we all get total wellness right, as governments, organisations and advisers are beginning to realise, otherwise the burden on “the system” will soon be overbearing both financially and in terms of long-term mental and physical health of our society.

Our People
We comprise specialist, experienced employee relations and behavioural economics consultants who are truly passionate about all the issues relating to social, corporate and environmental justice. We also understand the provision of wealth and personal security through the workplace having led the field in the UK since 1991. We truly care about what we do and then achieve, long-term.
People matter to us, categorically, and always have. We are proud of what we have achieved in the UK workplace. Our pride stems from the great things we’ve done for millions of people (not just employees direct but the whole family too) so far, fairer pay and pensions, global equity plans, flexible and discounted benefits, tax-effective pay and targeted workplace education based on life-styling. We’re proud to have invented and implemented so much in the workplace over the last 35 years but we are not done yet...
We comprise specialist, experienced employee relations and behavioural economics consultants who are truly passionate about all the issues relating to social, corporate and environmental justice. We also understand the provision of wealth and personal security through the workplace having led the field in the UK since 1991. We truly care about what we do and then achieve, long-term.
People matter to us, categorically, and always have. We are proud of what we have achieved in the UK workplace. Our pride stems from the great things we’ve done for millions of people (not just employees direct but the whole family too) so far, fairer pay and pensions, global equity plans, flexible and discounted benefits, tax-effective pay and targeted workplace education based on life-styling. We’re proud to have invented and implemented so much in the workplace over the last 35 years but we are not done yet...
Workplace total reward and wellness innovation is fine but what really unites all this is our belief in making finance more accessible, inclusive, understandable, effective and sustainable for everyone, not just HNWs.
Simply, we believe in helping people – employers and employees in unison – by making the pay cheque go further and achieving the best outcomes for everyone. Our swan song will be ensuring dignity in later life (or ill-health) via sensible, affordable, long-term care products, perhaps the key issue affecting many nations shortly?
To achieve this, first we need to conquer the problems caused by universal bad (and rising) personal debt and help everyone become more savvy with money and, longer-term, improved savers.

Taking action on
financial inclusion
If you share our concerns about increasing wealth and capital gaps in developed economies
and desire greater financial fairness and inclusion, you’ve hit on the right partner. Over the
next decade, and working together, we will erode some of these gaps, starting in the UK
and working out from here using our international network of specialists.
These are our three key objectives

Kill Debt
It’s got too big for most people to manage
solo and employers can really help here.

Improve Financial Knowledge
And planning - it’s all too confusing and we
don’t always talk the same language.

Improved Saving
There are plenty around and some, like
pensions, have been highly valued historically.
We are action-focused and really know how to bring about resilient change via the workplace. This knowledge-bank has been built up over 35 years working with governments, major blue-chips, the public sector and innovative employers in general. In short, people who trust and share our vision.
We tailor our programmes to fit you, the client, and your audiences. And, in terms of impact measurement, we have proven many times over that real employee engagement leads to improved performance, productivity and stakeholder value, which leads to an enhanced reputation for you. It’s the right thing for everyone involved, long-term.

Our Other Services
We possess a unique blend of environmental, social and business skills which always keeps us ahead of the curve – sometimes too far ahead! This stems from our founding directors’ roles in each of these three areas – for example, Tim Roberts was one of the first company ecologists in the UK after leaving college and before working in environmental management internationally. So, how else can we help you today?
ESG Analysis
We were one of the first consultancies in the UK to push for greater environmental, social and governance oversight of corporations and major investment funds, such as pension plans. In fact, we were so far ahead of the curve in 2010 that nobody wanted to listen and everyone thought that traditional investments would continue to outperform green investments. Fortunately, history has now turned most of these arguments on their head and, as we predicted, green is good for business as it generally leads to improved resilience and profit.
We always take the long-term view on any issue and work hard to examine all the arguments in fine detail – our aim is to always look at the sum, total impact of any operation or process in all three ESG areas. Assurance ISAE 3000 reporting We really believe in the role that professional assurance reporting plays in the thought leadership, governance, operational and risk management processes of an organisation. In fact, we don’t believe it’s just a tick-box compliance exercise but it should be engineered to ensure continuous operational improvement and monitoring excellence. If only everybody believed in such a process, many financial and governance scandals may have been averted over the last decade. We work in partnership with Assure UK who have an experienced team at the forefront of developing and applying assurance report guidance such as AAF 01/06 and AAF 02/07. This combines our practical, ESG knowledge with Assure’s technical and internal and external auditing experience as well as corporate communications.

Want to do good with us?
To find out how, contact us today.
Room 3.05, The Smith’s Building, 179 Great Portland Street, Marylebone, London W1W 5PL United Kingdom
T: +44 (0) 203 457 1127 | M: +44 (0) 7768 393 646 | Email: tim@good-measures.com
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Registered in the UK with number: 06792738 © 2017 Good Measures – People - Action - Resources